Saturday, January 1, 2011

Obama's Independency

Well! How encouraging it is to see Obama show Presidential independent timber by separating himself from the somewhat "impractical idealism" of the leadership of the Democratic party and by voting for a compromise regarding the "Bush tax cuts" that are about to expire. In so doing it appears he may have begun to break the log jam in Congress that has stifled much needed legislation.
This is the second time he has shown independence -- the first when he did not get out of "Gitmo" and approved the "surge".
It is too early for any firm conclusion about what may happen during the next couple of years and where Obama's bent toward socialism may lead us. He is obviously a smart man, not just a smart politician, and apparently realizes that the Presidency requires independency from the Congress (as well as the Judiciary).
I am not ready to vote for him but I am encouraged by what I see and he may yet be with us for quite a while!
Today I am bothered by fairly opposite opinions of intelligent, well-meaning, and surely smart people! Like this one on getting the economy moving! Democrats and Republicans (maybe I can even say Conservatives and Liberals) seem to be poles apart! All are well-meaning for us I have no doubt ,in spite of political garbage. Maybe either way is not too bad or a least not so bad that corrections in course can't be made. With our system, bless it, no decision is set in concrete. Now it would appear that Republicans have a chance to show their stuff??

On a different subject but certainly the same generically, please read the book "A World Without Islam". Are we on the proper course in dealing with Islam or should a correction in course be made? The author, Graham Fuller, supports his thesis quite well but I think he underestimates the danger of Supreme Religious Authority, the shackles of which western civilization has pretty much shed. I think we are making headway and what is happening in Iraq may prove it. We overthrew a dictator there but can they survive without succumbing to a supreme religious authority?

Happy New Year, anyway! -- Ralph