Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Are we at war? 11/8/02

2723 Gallivan Loop

Park City, Utah 84060

November 8, 2002

To the Editor

The Park Record

P.O. Box 3688

Park City, Utah 84060

Dear Sirs:

A Lesson in History -- Indeed!!

How sad it was last Wednesday (November 6) in a letter to the Editor that someone felt compelled to make even a distant association between our President and Hermann Goering--even if only words by the latter. As a veteran of WW ll, I found it very repugnant.

But then assuming the writer felt the need of some sensationalism to help make his point, what was he trying to say? Apparently it is his belief that we have not been attacked--that 9/11, Lebanon, and elsewhere were either fabrication or not really acts of war against the United States. Surely what we have learned in the last several months about terrorism world wide

points to a real enemy existing in several countries. Our President indicated we have no choice but to clearly state that countries that are willing to harbor terrorists are our enemies too. It may not be a pretty picture but neither is the specter of blindness to reality and impractical idealism that could lead to another Munich--Peace in Our Time!


Ralph Gates

tel: 645-8136

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