May 15, 2013
This evening I heard General Petraeus's name come up again in the Benghazi fiasco. He, as head of the CIA, along with representatives of the State Department, the FBI, and the White House, exchanged many e-mails debating the final controversial information given out over all the morning talk shows -- namely that it was all about the movie!
One of the e-mails was from Petraeus in which he stated he didn't approve or didn't like the the final version.
I haven't seen the e-mail but assuming it will show up as true, how do you account for the fact that the final version went out anyway? The FBI apparently has said they knew it was a terrorist attack all along and Hillary Clinton has said "What difference does it make anyway?"
So if it were not a unanimous decision whose authority prevailed? To me it seems clear that that authority had to come from the President or Clinton as his representative.
Who will be thrown under the bus??
I still think the General resigned from the CIA on September 9, two days after the election, because he disagreed with the President, not because of his infidelity! When he finally returns from "exile" we may finally get the truth under oath.
I still don't believe Bill will let Hillary wind up under the bus and that she will be a nominee for President the next election.
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